The Viscountess and me, that is. I've taken her on another ride along the River Lea and Regent's Canal again. To be honest, I simply can't help it. There's nothing--really nothing--that compares riding a bike you put together yourself; you know exactly what the bike can withstand and, trust me, I'm not mollycoddling any of my bikes. They're there to be ridden, full stop. So my bikes have to go over bumps and down kerbs--okay, the latter with a bit more care on those single-walled alloy rims--let alone the many potholes you encounter in London.
My pink girl has done me proud so far. And not only that: she's flying! After a day's break from her, I actually was glad to have her under my arse as she's a rather comfortable ride--as all Viscounts are: super tight rear triangle, but relaxed at the front. Perhaps one reason I love them so much. I don't enjoy having my head lower than my backside, but then I'm not road racing; I quite like to look left and right, take in the landscape I'm riding through. Deep inside me lurks a tourer, I'm sure of it. And I will start doing that at some point. Either on my own or with someone else. I can see myself easily covering quite a few miles, merrily pedalling away in the sunshine, or even in the winter if it's like last year.
This peddler's perspective |
Possibly sleeping in youth hostels, occasionally in B&Bs, which makes for a lighter load. Yep, I think I'd like that a lot. Exploring the UK via bike? How exciting is that?
Anyway, for the time being, I'll have to make do with my day trips and they're rather nice, too, but see for yourself:
You wouldn't think it's in the middle of London, would you? |
River Lea |
Regent's Canal lock, just outside Victoria Park
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