Nice surface! |
You don't! I hear you say. Trust me, I do. After today's ride, the red flash is definitely ripe for a bike wash. For weeks I wanted to go to Epping Forest to meet up with my friend Fifi, and it was a welcoming different route to the ones I normally take. Remember, I'm a pro at getting lost, therefore I consider myself a brave woman who goes into completely unknown territory. After carefully studying Google maps, and meticulously planning and writing every single turn down, I ran out of the house, leaving the piece of paper upstairs. That, I only noticed when I was already on the way, which was after I had to learn that I had a flat tyre and needed to pop into Micycle to get myself a new inner tube and fix the puncture.
Once done I was merrily singing along to Creed's tunes, pedalling away, enjoying the sunshine. Since I'd left the bloody notes at home, I asked a fellow cyclist for the way and it turned out I wasn't lost at all -- yet.
Epping Forest |
Soon, I found myself on the tow path along the canal and took a deep breath of relief: at least I was heading in the right direction and I was alone. That pleasure was hacked to pieces shortly after, when the nice firm ground changed to little sharp stones surrounded by mud and puddles. Urgh! Not exactly the best surface to ride a delicate (and muchly loved) road bike on; but hey, I slowed down and made the most of the situation. There's always something, isn't there? Never mind, the friendly cyclists greeting me and two groups of people taking a walk, smiling at me, was a nice thing to encounter.
And not too long after that, I stood at a car park at the edge of the forest waiting for my friend, who couldn't be missed for her large horse. We chatted for a few minutes, before Murphy got impatient, wanting to gallop. Funnily enough, he was very excited to ride behind/next to me; Fifi even asked me to slow down as the horse became all bouncy, kicking out and having lots of fun. Playful, he is. A bit too much, and we had to part ways; time for me to ride home after very simple instructions of my friend.
The Dirtbike |
That said, I had my fair share of hills today, some were a bit steeper, some where just long, and I managed them all. Yes! Very proud indeed. Okay, I'm not looking super good or relaxed climbing those, red in the face, wobbling from side to side and mostly gasping for air, but I still don't give up and keep going until I reach the top. Today, for the first time, my quads are hurting, and I'm expecting some aches tomorrow. Oh dear. However, that means I'll be even better next time when--suddenly--a hill pops up before me. And I'll take that again.
Tomorrow, though, I think I'll take the bike to the shop and give it a nice wash. I'm sure it'll appreciate it.
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