Thursday, 16 January 2014

The DFR2 is coming!

Tottenham Marshes
And I'm barely able to contain my excitement. In case you have no clue what DFR2 means, let me explain: it's the second Death Fork Rally. Last year, Busaste, who has started the Viscount thread on the CTC forum, organised a get together of Viscount/Lambert owners and they went for a day's ride through the countryside, stopping every so often at pubs for a break/beer/meal. Which confirms, that Viscounts and Lamberts are proper pub bikes, too. The versatility is endless, as it seems. Wonderful, isn't it? Unfortunately, I couldn't make it to the very first rally, which I'm shedding a silent tear over as I'm writing, but I'll be there for this year's event. The date agreed on is the 28th of June and most possible in the same area (Cannock/Lichtfield). It'll be the first time I'll meet most of the other members of the elusive 'Viscount/Lambert' club, for the lack of a better word--not really a club as we're merely a group of enthusiasts--and I'm really looking forward to this event. I mean really!
That's London for you!
We've been joking about the average speed and people said to me there are a few hills, to which I replied
that I'll be training. Well, I've got Finsbury Park on my doorstep, so I'll be out cycling up and down the hills for a few rounds, which will hopefully do the job. If not, I'll have to tackle Highgate, to which I'm not looking forward to, to be honest. Viscount/Lamberts mostly come with a 14/28 freewheel (52/42 front) and I'm struggling when it's too steep. Yeah, I know, what a wimp. :-) I just prefer flat terrain, now shoot me. If I wanted to cycle in the mountains, I'd had become a mountain biker, no? Mind you, I'd be interested to do a downhill ride, but then I'd be interested riding in a tank--the vehicle, before you start questioning my sanity. Then again when I went on a ride today, I felt like I'd accidentally tested my Aerospace Sport for off-road cycling. The results are poor, as you can imagine. After the recent rainfalls I had to conquer puddles in which you could drown, and the rubble path threw little stones around, some of them were caught between brakes and rim (nasty). As soon as I got onto better paths, though, it was like magic again. My trusted bike shook off the shock of being dunked, and flew dutifully through the landscape. 1.5 hours later, I came back and gave it a good clean as my shiny new toy was covered in dirt. All set for tomorrow's ride to the interview. Let's hope it doesn't rain.
Tottenham Marshes
If you're a Viscount/Lambert owner and would like to come to the rally, please get in touch. You can easily sign up here, or, to post, you don't even have to be a member. Viscount and Lambert bikes. Everyone is welcome, some are staying over night, some are making it a 1-day-trip.
Here's the You Tube video from last year's DFR, beautifully put together by Sooper8.
From what I heard, they even did a tiny bike jumble, trading parts, and Busaste brought his profi-tool for bottom brackets, so if you have troubles with yours, this is your chance to get it done by the master himself.
By the way, even if it's impossible to come to the rally, we'd be very happy to welcome you on the forum. The more the merrier. :-)

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