Probably not, but I'll do it anyway. What about? Well, my tools, obviously, doh! Ha, I'm just pulling your collective legs. Although I have to say I'm rather pleased with my bike tool collection and I'm not ashamed to say it. I'm a bike mechanic, after all, and what a sad sod of a bike mechanic would I be without tools to work on bikes?
Cyclo fourth hand tool |
Weldtite grease gun |
Four often-used tools
Park WAG4 wheel dishing tool |
XLC 6mm hex key |
Talking about bikes: last post was about my procrastinating of building up my new frame, which I call new, although it's technically an old frame which I'd had for a while now. New as in: restored; powder coated, decals and all. I'm pleased to announce that I stopped procrastinating and instead went ahead with the stripping of Shawn, using a few of my shiny new
toys tools. Although I have to say that it's not pleasant without a work stand. Also, it turns out that my next 'important' purchase will be a big adjustable spanner. Perhaps not as huge as
this--I actually am just posting the link because I find this photo hilarious, but I'm easy to amuse. Does this look right to you?
Space invasion at Micycle |
Anyhow, back to my project. So I'd removed the cables, seat post, handlebars, shifters and what else could be stripped, but when I came to the cranks, I encountered a problem. The crank puller was screwed in, but I didn't have anything to turn it in order to get the cranks off, as my miniature adjustable spanner didn't do the trick. Frustrated, I took my frame with the stuck tool to my friends at Micycle and asked if I could use one of their stands. Luckily, it wasn't too busy and I could finally finish the job. Even better, I had the opportunity to get the headset out as well and clean all parts at their fancy washing station. Voila! Now I just had to go and swap the old frame with the new one in order to put all relevant parts onto it. When they closed for the holidays I'd got far enough to be able to finish it at home. That's what I'm going to do tomorrow. I really can't wait to ride my 22" Viscount Aerospace Sport and, as it happens, it'll be this Saturday with someone from my newly founded local Cycling Club which I've failed to tell you about. I'll report how it felt.
In the meantime I'd like to share pure beauty with you:
Viscount press-fit bottom bracket |
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